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For Adults

The purpose of the Men’s Fellowship is to promote and enhance fellowship between the men who love the Lord while giving the men of CBC opportunities to serve first in their local church and then in the larger Christian community.

The Woman's Ministry is designed for women of ages and seasons to help encourage and challenge them in their spiritual growth. Helping to equip them for the work of the church and impact the kingdom
By discipleship and teaching biblical womanhood principles

The Singles ministry is designed for men and women 35 years and up, who are in different stages in life. Whether it be single never married, single in a relationship, divorced, or widowed. Our primary focus is to grow spiritually, socially and personally, so that our lives as single individuals bring honor and glory to God. Through the study of God's word, building communities and encouraging one another, we are able to build a stronger relationship with Christ and each other as we seek to serve Him with our whole heart, thus adding to the kingdom of God. Single with a purpose! Matt. 6:33
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